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Imputed Interest

88 Series Revisions

Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, W311RC1A027NBEA
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, W294RC1A027NBEA
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1929 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2024-07-25 1929 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, W307RC1A027NBEA
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1929 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, W315RC1A027NBEA
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, W313RC1A027NBEA
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, W297RC1A027NBEA
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2024-07-25 1929 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, W296RC1A027NBEA
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, W312RC1A027NBEA
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1929 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2024-07-25 1929 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, W358RC1A027NBEA
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1929 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1929 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1929 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1946 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2023-10-26 1946 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, W308RC1A027NBEA
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Billions of Dollars 2013-02-28 to 2017-10-26 1929 to 2016
Billions of Dollars 2017-10-27 to 2024-07-25 1929 to 2022

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