Home > Releases > Z.1 Financial Accounts of the United States > Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Capital Formation, Net (Includes Equity REIT Residential Structures) (IMA), Transactions
Q3 2024: 757,826 (+ more) Updated: Dec 12, 2024 2:33 PM CSTQ3 2024: | 757,826 | |
Q2 2024: | 756,446 | |
Q1 2024: | 679,383 | |
Q4 2023: | 711,631 | |
Q3 2023: | 725,419 |
Millions of Dollars,Frequency:
QuarterlyData in this graph are copyrighted. Please review the copyright information in the series notes before sharing.
Title | Release Dates | |
Nonfinancial corporate business; capital formation, net (includes equity REITs) (IMA), Flow | 2013-06-06 | 2019-03-06 |
Nonfinancial corporate business; capital formation, net (includes equity REIT residential structures) (IMA), Flow | 2019-03-07 | 2020-03-11 |
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Capital Formation, Net (Includes Equity REIT Residential Structures) (IMA), Transactions | 2020-03-12 | 2024-12-12 |
Source | ||
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US) | 2013-06-06 | 2024-12-12 |
Release | ||
Z.1 Financial Accounts of the United States | 2013-06-06 | 2024-12-12 |
Units | ||
Millions of Dollars | 2013-06-06 | 2024-12-12 |
Frequency | ||
Quarterly | 2013-06-06 | 2024-12-12 |
Seasonal Adjustment | ||
Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate | 2013-06-06 | 2024-12-12 |
Notes | ||
The source ID is FA105050985.Q This data appear in Table S.5.q of the 'Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts for the United States.' These tables present a sequence of accounts that relate production, income and spending, capital formation, financial transactions, and asset revaluations to changes in net worth between balance sheets for the major sectors of the U.S. economy. They are part of an interagency effort to further harmonize the BEA National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs) and the Federal Reserve Board Flow of Funds Accounts (FFAs). The structure of these tables is based on the internationally accepted set of guidelines for the compilation of national accounts that are offered in the System of National Accounts 1993 (SNA). Cautionary note on the use of the integrated macroeconomic accounts (IMA) - The estimates that are provided on this page are based on a unique set of accounting standards that are founded on the SNA. Accordingly, some of the estimates in in the IMA tables will differ from the official estimates that are published in the NIPAs and FFAs due to conceptual differences. There will also be some statistical differences between the estimates in these tables and those in the related accounts. For further information on the conceptual differences, see the paper at https://www.bea.gov/data/special-topics/integrated-macroeconomic-accounts. |
2013-06-06 | 2019-03-06 |
Source ID: FA105050985.Q For more information about the Flow of Funds tables, see: https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/Default.aspx For a detailed description, including how this series is constructed, see: https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/SeriesAnalyzer.aspx?s=FA105050985&t= |
2019-03-07 | 2019-12-11 |
Source ID: FA105050985.Q For more information about the Flow of Funds tables, see the Financial Accounts Guide (https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/Default.aspx). With each quarterly release, the source may make major data and structural revisions to the series and tables. These changes are available in the Release Highlights (https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/FOFHighlight.aspx). In the Financial Accounts, the source identifies each series by a string of patterned letters and numbers. For a detailed description, including how this series is constructed, see the series analyzer (https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/fof/SeriesAnalyzer.aspx?s=FA105050985&t=) provided by the source. |
2019-12-12 | 2024-12-12 |