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Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDDI11MNA156NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2012-09-24 to 2024-04-23 2008 to 2020
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, FXRATEMNA618NUPN
Units Release Dates Observation Period
National Currency Units per US Dollar 2012-07-26 to 2012-07-26 1970 to 2010
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDEI02MNA156NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2012-09-24 to 2015-09-13 1993 to 2011
Percent 2015-09-14 to 2024-04-23 1993 to 2020
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDSI06MNA156NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2012-09-24 to 2024-04-23 1999 to 2021
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DEBTTLMNA188A
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent of GDP 2011-09-01 to 2023-12-19 1991 to 2021
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, PPPTTLMNA618NUPN
Units Release Dates Observation Period
National Currency Units per US Dollar 2012-07-26 to 2012-07-26 1970 to 2010
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, RGDPNAMNA666NRUG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Millions of 2005 U.S. Dollars 2013-07-03 to 2016-06-08 1970 to 2011
Millions of 2011 U.S. Dollars 2016-06-09 to 2021-01-13 1970 to 2017
Millions of 2017 U.S. Dollars 2021-01-14 to 2021-06-18 1970 to 2019
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, SLUEM1524ZSMNG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2015-12-22 to 2024-07-02 1991 to 2023
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CASHBLMNA188A
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent of GDP 2011-09-01 to 2018-09-21 1992 to 2012
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CGDPOSMNA666NRUG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Millions of 2005 U.S. Dollars 2013-07-03 to 2016-06-08 1970 to 2011
Millions of 2011 U.S. Dollars 2016-06-09 to 2021-01-13 1970 to 2017
Millions of 2017 U.S. Dollars 2021-01-14 to 2021-06-18 1970 to 2019
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CKSPPPMNA666NRUG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Millions of 2005 U.S. Dollars 2013-07-03 to 2016-06-08 1970 to 2011
Millions of 2011 U.S. Dollars 2016-06-09 to 2021-01-13 1970 to 2017
Millions of 2017 U.S. Dollars 2021-01-14 to 2023-01-23 1970 to 2019
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDAI01MNA642NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Number per 1,000 adults 2012-09-24 to 2019-10-18 2004 to 2016
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDDI06MNA156NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2012-09-24 to 2019-10-18 1991 to 2017
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDDM02MNA156NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2012-09-24 to 2019-10-18 1995 to 2012
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDOI06MNA156NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2012-09-24 to 2024-04-23 2001 to 2021
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, FPCPITOTLZGMNG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2013-11-27 to 2024-07-02 1993 to 2023
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, HCIYISMNA066NRUG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2013-07-03 to 2021-01-14 1970 to 2019
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, MNGFCAKNUM
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Number 2015-09-30 to 2023-07-19 2008 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, NHMNGA475SCEN
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Number of Firms 2015-08-14 to 2021-01-28 2006 to 2017
Units Release Dates Observation Period
2005 International Dollars per Person 2012-07-26 to 2012-07-26 1970 to 2010
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, XRNCUSMNA618NRUG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
National Currency Units per US Dollar 2013-07-03 to 2021-01-14 1970 to 2019
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDEI05MNA156NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2012-09-24 to 2024-04-23 1999 to 2021
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDEI06MNA156NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2012-09-24 to 2024-04-23 1999 to 2021
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDOE01MNA086NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2005=100 2012-09-24 to 2015-09-13 1991 to 2011
Index 2010=100 2015-09-14 to 2022-03-23 1991 to 2017
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, MKTGDPMNA646NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Current Dollars 2012-09-24 to 2015-12-21 1981 to 2013
Current U.S. Dollars 2015-12-22 to 2024-07-02 1981 to 2023
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, MNGPCPIPCPPPT
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change 2015-10-09 to 2024-04-29 1991 to 2028
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, NYGDPPCAPKDMNG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
2005 U.S. Dollars 2013-11-27 to 2016-07-21 1981 to 2014
2010 U.S. Dollars 2016-07-22 to 2024-07-02 1981 to 2023
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, PCAGDPMNA646NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Current Dollars 2012-09-24 to 2015-12-21 1981 to 2011
Current U.S. Dollars 2015-12-22 to 2024-07-02 1981 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Price Level of USA Output-side GDP in 2005=1 2013-07-03 to 2013-07-03 1970 to 2011
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, RGDPOSMNA666NRUG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Millions of 2005 U.S. Dollars 2013-07-03 to 2016-06-08 1970 to 2011
Millions of 2011 U.S. Dollars 2016-06-09 to 2021-01-13 1970 to 2017
Millions of 2017 U.S. Dollars 2021-01-14 to 2021-06-18 1970 to 2019
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, RTFPNAMNA632NRUG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2005=1 2013-07-03 to 2016-06-08 1980 to 2011
Index 2011=1 2016-06-09 to 2021-01-13 1980 to 2017
Index 2017=1 2021-01-14 to 2023-01-23 1980 to 2019
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, SIPOVGINIMNG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2015-03-12 to 2024-04-02 1995 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, SMPOPREFGMNG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Persons 2019-06-28 to 2024-07-02 2006 to 2023
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, SPDYNIMRTINMNG
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Number per 1,000 Live Births 2014-09-17 to 2024-06-04 1978 to 2022
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DDOE02MNA086NWDB
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2005=100 2012-09-24 to 2015-09-13 1991 to 2011

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